
1. Mission and goals 

The mission and goals for "Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics (CTCP)" of College of Science of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) are to combine the teaching and research personnel in the field of theoretical and computational physics as well as the experts of the National Center for Theoretical Science (NCTS) to jointly strengthen NYCU’s research in related areas, to cultivate our young talents and to promote our world-wide academic reputation. Besides, CTCP strengthens the research quality of Taiwan's theoretical physics in novel quantum materials. The establishment and operation of CTCP are based on the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University regulations on the establishment of research centers.

2. The necessity of establishing CTCP in NYCU

CTCP’s current research directions include: fundamental physics of topological quantum matter, theory and computational simulation of emergent quantum materials, novel quantum states in strongly correlated electronic systems, quantum field theory and computational physics, astronomy and particle physics, and biophysics. In each research direction, we have acquired solid and high-quality research results. The CTCP also plays a role as a communication platform for our colleagues in various research fields and related experimental fields. In recent years, in response to the rapid development in the research on emergent quantum materials and quantum technology, especially the research on quantum computers/computation and their future applications, there is an urgent need for fundamental research in theoretical and computational physics. The NYCU College of Science has already established an internationally competitive research team in this field, and has received research funding from the National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS). For further advancing theoretical and experimental and cross-disciplinary research cooperation, it is necessary to establish CTCP as an important collaboration platform.

The four main Research themes of the CTCP are as follows:

1. Research group on the basic physics of topological quantum matter and quantum computer.

2. Theoretical and computational simulation research group of two-dimensional novel quantum materials.

3. Research group on novel quantum states of strongly correlated electron systems.

4. Lattice gauge field theory and computational physics research group.

National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) plays an important role to promote the CTCP to become an important platform for NYCU and for international cooperation and exchanges.


國立陽明交通大學「理論與計算物理中心(CTCP,Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics)」(以下簡稱本中心)設立宗旨為結合本校理論與計算物理領域教研人員以及國家理論科學中心(NCTS)專家學者所長,共同協助本校厚植相關領域之學術研發能量,培育人才並提升國際能見度,進而強化台灣理論物理於新穎量子科學中之研究能力。本中心的成立將依據本校校級與院級研究中心設置規定,訂定「國立陽明交通大學理論與計算物理中心設置辦法」,並依此設置辦法成立並運作本中心。


本中心現有研究方向包括:拓樸量子物質基礎物理,新穎量子材料之理論與計算模擬,強關聯電子系統之新穎量子態,量子場論與計算物理,天文與粒子物理及生物物理。各研究方向有相當豐富而高品質之研究成果,本中心也同時具有各研究領域及與相關實驗領域同仁之交流平台之功能。近年來,面對當今快速發展之新穎量子材料(emergent quantum materials)與量子科技(quantum technology),尤其是量子電腦(quantum computer)與量子計算(quantum computation)之研發與其未來之應用,急需理論與計算物理之基礎研究。本校理學院在此一領域已建立具國際競爭力之研究團隊,並獲得國家理論科學中心(NCTS)研究經費之挹注,為擴大及深化前述成果及肩負資源整合及交流平台之任務,並能促進理論與實驗及跨領域的合作,有必要成立一院級研究中心作為推動平台。


1. 拓樸量子物質與量子電腦之物理基礎研究群。


2. 二維新穎量子材料之理論與計算模擬研究群。


3. 強關聯電子系統之新穎量子態研究群。


4. 晶格規範場論與計算物理研究群。



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